Ceiling Roses for Modern & Traditional Lighting Pendants
Shady lady Lighting has a large range of ceiling roses to suit all types of Modern and traditional lighting. Our Lighting Parts come in a wide variety of finishes, colours
and sizes (Black,White, Magnolia, Silver, Chrome, Brushed Chrome, Brass etc etc). Here is a selection below, please contact us for other options.
All roses come with fixing plate or matching screws to attach to ceiling, and a cordgrip as shown.
Freight & Terms of Trade
SCR073 White 60mm
SCR074 Black 60mm
scr040 Black 82 x 24mm



SCR064 100mm White
SCR052 100mm Black
SCR065 120mm White
SCR066 120mm Black




SCR035 80mm Chrome
SCR016 100mm Chrome
SCR036 100mm Chrome
SCR034 150mm Chrome




SCR015 100mm Brush Chrome
SCR053 100mm Antique Brass
SCR037 100mm Antique Brass
SCR038 100mm Antique Copper




SCR043 100mm Gold
SCR085 10mm Wooden
SCR017 80mm Square Chrome



Heavier Duty Chrome Lighting Ceiling Roses
SCR089 100mm Chrome + Cordgrip
SCR090 100mm Chrome + Closed Hook


Solid Brass Ceiling Roses for Traditional Lighting
SCR021 100mm Solid Brass
SCR022 100mm Solid Brass + Closed Hook
SCR023 100mm Solid Brass + Cordgrip
SCR078 100mm Solid Brass + Open Hook




SCR075 100x25mm Solid Brass Cordgrip
SCR079 100x25mm Solid Brass Closed Hook
SCR080 100x25mm Solid Brass Open Hook
SCR076 Brass Hook Plate




SCR077 Chrome Hook Plate
SCR086 Brass Cord-grip plate
SCR087 Chrome Cord-grip plate
SCR088 Antique Cord-grip plate




Multiple Cord-grip Lighting Ceiling Roses
SCR056 120mm White 2 Grips
SCR054 120mm Black 2 Grips
SCR057 120mm White 3 Grips
SCR055 120mm Black 3 Grips




SCR068 120mm White 3 Grips
SCR067 120mm Black 3 Grips
SCR070 120mm White 4 Grips
SCR069 120mm Black 4 Grips




SCR062 120mm White 4 Grips
SCR060 120mm Black 4 Grips
SCR063 120mm White 5 Grips
SCR061 120mm Black 5 Grips




Spring-grip Lighting Suspension Sets
SCR031 60mm White Spring Grip
SCR083 60mm Black Spring Grip
SCR081 120mm White 2 Spring Grips
SCR082 120mm Black 2 Spring Grips




SCR058 120mm White 3 Spring Grips
SCR059 120mm Black 3 Spring Grips
SCR072 120mm White 4 Spring Grips
SCR071 120mm Black 4 Spring Grips




Large Lighting Ceiling Roses
SCR044 300mm 5 + 1 Hole 25mm deep
SCR045 350mm 6 + 1 Hole 25mm deep
SCR084 300mm 3 Hole BLACK
SCR093 350mm 6 + 1 Hole BLACK




Last Ones
Lighting Ceiling Roses - Last Ones.....
SCR018 100mm NZ Made Br Chrome H/Duty
SCR006 100mm NZ Choc Brown
SCR011 130mm NZ Chrome B/Plate
SCR030 100mm Square Chrome Front Plate




Last Ones
Last One
Last Ones
Last 6
Lighting Ceiling Roses - Spare Parts.....
SPA087 Backplate