Ceiling Buttons - Efficent and cost effective Lighting
Ceiling buttons (sometimes called oysters) come in a range of styles but they are all essentially flattish lights, normally round that sit flat against the ceiling.
They can be very efficient, low maintenance and a great alternative to recess lighting if you want the low maintenance without the lots of extra wiring / time to install and the holes in your ceiling.
They come in halogen, GLS, fluoro or LED versions. The GLS can use standard (incandescent) light bulbs, CFL's ("energy savers") or LED lightbulbs. Most of the halogen models
can now take a replacement LED lamp as well. The ones with built in LED modules can be the most efficient and smallest for the light output. There are lots of options to chose from.
Freight & Terms of Trade
Traditional Buttons ("Oysters")
Although these are "traditional" style fittings, they can also look great in a modern setting
Boston Oyster
Dallas Oyster Chrome
Dallas Oyster Bronze




Nautilus Large
SL41469 Hadley
SL41481 Cambridge



Last One
Last One
Contemporary Ceiling Buttons
EPI 14W white
EPI 14W Silver
EPI 20W white
EPI 20W Silver




EPI 28W White
EPI 28W Silver
Bombolini 25W
Bombolini 35W


